Wednesday, September 11, 2013

US Government Announces Simplified Benefits for iPhone 5S users

In another obvious demonstration of the well known fact that the iPhone has been revolutionizing the world that we live in, the United States government has announced a slew of measures that are bound to astronomically increase the demand for the yet to be released iPhone 5S. 

Barely 24 hours after Apple's announcement of the iPhone 5S with the magical fingerprint reader, the government moved with extreme agility and announced that iPhone 5S users will not be required to submit photographs or Social Security numbers in government forms. "We will magically be able to just rely on mobile phone numbers of the applicants to very identity and improve accuracy of the government programs" announced Secretary of Straight Johnny Ferry. In-addition, visa applicants from other countries who have iPhone 5S will also be exempt from personal appearance at US Consulates for fingerprinting. Ferry was addressing an excited crowd of Apple consumers, who were also heard chanting "Death to Samsung".

A government source who declined to be publicly identified confirmed to Royters that this benefit will only be made available to iPhone 5S users, as none of the other devices had the magical capability to support the New Service Automation (NSA) initiative announced by Ferry.